Page name: Dirty Little Secret: City Streets [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-18 05:34:22
Last author: Silverline
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 4
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D20: 12
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Dirty Little Secret

The streets of Tokinawa



[Ritsuka-Kun] as Damien Fuentez and Mika Quincy and vincent martin and stefan and sara

[LinkTurrner] As Hiyo

[Wolvie] as Joe Anderson

[Silverline] as Lena Raife

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2011-06-26 [wolvie]: Joe looks at him, "Vincent got sick and went back" he says nervously not sure what 'damien' he was at the moment

2011-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent nodded "yea he'll be ok"

Damien nodded quietly acting almost childlike

2011-06-26 [wolvie]: Joe nods a little, "Yeah do you feel?"

2011-06-26 [Silverline]: Lena smiled and continued cleaning "Thats good I was worried"

2011-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "im fine" he said quietly.

Vincent "so was damien oddly"

2011-06-26 [Silverline]: Lena "Strange maybe he's getting better."

2011-06-26 [wolvie]: Joe nods, "Good" he says not sure what else to say

2011-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled a little "just another one of his personalities"

Damien "How are you?"

2011-06-26 [wolvie]: Joe, "Been better been worse"

2011-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded "Dont be mad at me please"

2011-06-26 [Silverline]: Lena frowned "I'm still sorry you're here and I don't have a safe place to take you..."

2011-06-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled a little "Its ok"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "why would I be?"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien shrugged "you look mad"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "Well I am hurt kinda"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "oh did i do that?"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe shrugs, "it's ok" hje smiles softly

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "thats not ok"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "I'm alive"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: damien "i guess thats good i dunno" he said quietly

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe frowns, "You'd rather me dead?"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena chewed her lip. "do you think he'll hurt my baby?"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent "No i dont think he will"

Damien rubbed his head "i dont know there are so many just screaming at me"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe frowns, "Oh...get some help"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "who'd help me?"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "Doctors"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled a little "ya think?"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena sighed and sat down.

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent "you ok lena?"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe nods, "Yeah"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "I dont know if they can though"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena nodded "yes I'm just tired...."

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled a little "get some rest"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena smiled "I will...You're a good kid, vincent. I'd be proud if you were my son."

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled "you would?"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena nodded "yes, very proud. You're still a kid but you're gonna be a good man."

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "Sure they can"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled softly "thanks"

Damien "how are you so sure?"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "I dunno I just..." he shrugs, "They help others they can help you"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena smiles and relaxes on the couch

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded quietly.

Vincent "can i get you anything?"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena smiled, "No, that's okay."

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe nods, "Just try...please"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent "You sure?"

Damien "maybe" he said quietly

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe sighs, "You'll hurt someone else or kill me nexttime"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien frowned nodding.

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena, "Yeah I'm not hungry or anything. I'm bored but you can't help that."

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled "we have cards"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena chuckled "Would you like to play cards?"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled "we wouldnt be bored anymore"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "So please get help"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded "fine"

2011-06-27 [Silverline]: Lena smiled "I can't play anything except go fish"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vincent smiled "works for me"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "Really?

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "really"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe sighs in relief, "THank you"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded "welcome"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "you could be a nice guy if you wanted to be"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "i suppose so but what if the other me doesnt want it"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "if you get help the doctors will help controll your other sides"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded "yea"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe smiles, "so you'll be ok"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled back hopefully

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe smiles back softly

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "im glad you'll be ok"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe nods, "Yeah me two"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "how long will you be in here?"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "I'm not sure"

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien nodded "well you can go home when they release you you dont have to stay"

2011-06-27 [wolvie]: Joe, "oh...ok" he frowns a little

2011-06-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "I thought you hate my home why are you frowning?"

2011-06-29 [LinkTurrner]: [so what i miss? lol sorry you've seen this too much xD]

2011-06-29 [wolvie]: [yes yes i have xD and not alot :D joe is in the hospital with damien and ummm that's al i know xD]

Joe shrugs, "What about the others?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [and stefan is walkin around bein creepy xD]

Damien's eyes switched to a greyish color "oh no they cant go"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: [xD ok]

Hiro was swimming off the beach in a rocky place no one went

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan had quietly followed Hiro he sat on a rock "hey you"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro jumped and turned quickly looking at him, "Hi prevey."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan smiled "oh you say the sweetest things"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro rolled his eyes and turned as he swam more,

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan giggled as he watched.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro sang softly as he swam with a smile over his face

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan smiled "whatcha hummin?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro stopped, "A song my dads used to sing to me, I don't really remember it though." He swam over and puled himself on the rock so he was sitting neck to Stefan

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "oh its pretty"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded smiling, "It is, I'm gonna sing it to my kids one day."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "oh you plan on children?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded as he reached where his bag was and pulled out a cloth and started to clean his tail, "Yeah, I do I really love kids. It's about the only thing I planed out in my life."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded "so you'll find you some pretty girl?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro chuckled at him, "I guess so I could get a girl, but I'm a sub it doesn't matter with merpeople is your a male or female it's if your a sub or dom. But I can both ways. It's what submissive usually means."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan rose his brow "how does that work?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro, "Well simple I have a womb, and a birth canal on my tail. When I'm ready to give birth my legs change to my tail for it to happen. Understand?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "sorta yes"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro sighed, "Just I have all the parts of a guy pulse a womb that's all."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "a bit creepy"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded, "Yeah it is, took me a while to get used to it."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded "yea"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro just shrugged and put the cloth to the side jumping back in the water, "Come on and swim with me."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "i cant"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro rose an eyebrow, "You can't swim? Or wount?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "cant"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro held out his hands from where he was in the water, "Well who better to learn from than a merman himself. Come here and I'll show you."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan smiled a little "Im good here"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro smiled and swam over taking Stefan's hands, "Please, you can touch your feet here."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "no thank you"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned, "come on I wount let go of you and you can hold on to the rock."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan looked worriedly at the water.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro smiled, "It wount hurt you I swear."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "it might"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and pulled on his hands a bit, "Trust me please.... and it can't be too bad your swiming with me a naked merman."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan chuckled "maybe"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro chuckled and pulled Stefan in the quickly made sure he was above the water holding on to the side's of his hips.

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan clung to Hiro

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro smiled at him as he swam back wards as he held on to Stefan.

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan started to shake.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and stopped wrapping his tail around Stefan's legs and wrapped his arms around his neck, "It's ok."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan buried his face into Hiro's neck "no mommy im clean" he whispered

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: joe frowns not saying anything

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and held him close as he swam to the side and helping him up than got up and pulled him close humming to him and saying random calming words.

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "they're not safe yet"

Stefan started to calm down.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro kissed his cheek and hummed more holding him closly

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan frowned knowing he had shown weakness.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned at him, "Are you ok now? I'm sorry I wount do it again."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan pulled away "im fine" he said coldly

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "why not?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "they're not safe"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and looked down, "I'm sorry."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan got up "not your fault"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and looked up at him he grabbed Stefan's pant leg, "You want to talk about it?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan shook his head "i have things to do"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and let go nodding as he looked down, "I'm really sorry Stefan."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded as he pulled out a small blade "im sure you are"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro looked at his hands

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan started to walk away.

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "What do you mean?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "they're just not dammit"

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "But...they..." he frowns n ot saying anything not wanting to piss off damien

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and turned to look at him, "Are you coming tonight?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "you are free to do as you please they are not"

Stefan shrugged "I might"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hire frowned and jumped back in the water

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan looked back at him "do you want me to?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hire bit his lip and looked down, "Yeah..."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded "then fine i will"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro smiled and nodded, "See you than."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded "see ya"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded and saw to the side getting out

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan headed out.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro got up and got dressed than headed home to help at the book shop

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan showed up at the book shop well at the back door knocking on it he had blood on his shirt and a little on his chin.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro hummed as he closed up and went to the back door and opened it freezing, "Stefan, are you ok?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan smiled "Just fine oh the blood its not mine"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and took his hand, "Come on let's go get you cleaned up." He took Stefan up to his bathroom and made him sit on the toilet as he grabbed a cloth. "What did you do?" He wet the cloth and frowned a bit getting on his legs so they went to his tail and he moved to Stefan as he wiped his cheek with the cloth

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan said calmly "i took out my aggression"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and kissed his clean cheek, "Oh Stefan." He sighed and cleaned him more.

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan smiled "what?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and sighed shaking his head, "Why did you come back here and not to your house?" He finshed and tossed the rag in the sink as he laid his head on Stefan's lap.

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "i said i'd stop by"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded, "Yeah you did thank you, now come on off with the shirt you have blood on it."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan took his shirt off nodding "fine"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro sighedm "You'll have to barrow one of my uncle's before you go."

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded "ok"

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "Then I'm not leaving"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "why?"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro got up

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "I'm not leaving them with yhou"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "they're safe..."

Stefan watched him curiously.

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro, "What? Is something on me?"

2011-06-30 [wolvie]: Joe, "I have to be sure"d

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "No"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "they are though"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned, "Than what?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan shrugged "Just watching"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: hiro nodded and sat on the side of the tube, "So what are we going to do tonight?"

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan shrugged "I dont know yet"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro chuckled and nodded

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "I dont plan i just do"

2011-06-30 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro nodded, "OK well I'm going to do some homework than if your not sure. Tell me when you are." He walked out of the bathroom to his desk and sat down

2011-06-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan nodded.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro hummed as he did work

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan decided to look around the place.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro worked more

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan looked around curiously.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro's room was plain and manly ready to be packed quickly in a moment. The only few things out that showed him where his photos of him and his fathers.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro's room was plain and was ready to be packed in a moment, he maly lived out of boxs but the photos of him and his fathers.

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan started looking through a random box.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: It was cloths and a few journals.

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan picked up one of the journals "Hmmm"

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro was too busy working to pay attention. On the frount was Yuki's name.

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan opened the journal and started to read.

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Day one ~ Moved again, grrrr. I thought I had found my mate too he was really nice. What ever start all over I guess, wonder who I'm gonna meet here?

Day two ~ I have a mate, yeah I didnt pick him. He scares me I don't know what to think of him.

Day three ~ I'm getting used to him, but I'm still not sure.

Day four ~ i think I like him, I guess I have to get used to him though he's my mate.

Day five ~ I just got back from the ocean and I feel so bad. I shouldn't have done that. But he can't be too mad right? I mean he said he come tonight. And I'm sure I wount see him for a week or so it's supost to be the hottest this next week, so heat. What fun. not locked in a room with nothing to do.

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan rose his brow "is that me he's talkin about me? but im confused it says i am but then he didnt pick me but then it says i am?"

2011-07-01 [wolvie]: Joe, "I'm not going to leave them sorry"

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "fine then"

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro glanced over, "What?"

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan jumped dropping the journal "nothign"

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned and saw the journal he frowned and got up and grabbed it as he glared at Stefan, "You jerk this is mine, you can ask if you want to know something!"

2011-07-01 [wolvie]: Joe sighs, "I'm sorry"

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan glared back "what does it matter you didnt pick me anyway so why am i dealing with your ass?"

Damien "Not your fault"

2011-07-01 [LinkTurrner]: Hiro frowned at him, "You raped me of course I didn't."

2011-07-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Stefan "dont count yourself special you're not the only one i do this too"

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